I often wonder what it will be like when my son finally meets his mommy. Bryce was three months old when Jill died. Therefore, everything he knows about his mom is a result of the stories and pictures that I, along with my friends and family, share with him.

In a sense, he has a second-hand knowledge of his mother. Seems strange in light of the fact that she carried him in her womb for nine months.

I realized how much he relies upon me to know his mother when he related a story about her back to me. I’ve told him many times about how his mom had amazing rhythm and dance skills and how I hoped he inherits that from her (because I have no dance skills whatsoever). As he was talking to some friends recently in our home, I heard him tell someone that Jill could “walk on the moon.”  I think he meant, “moonwalk!”

As I laughed, the gravity of my responsibility to represent Jill to him pressed upon my heart. While its funny that he got confused about the concept of Jill moonwalking, I don’t want him to get confused when it comes to Jill’s character. I don’t want him to miss the fact that she had the unbelievable ability to sense people’s needs and the heart to serve those needs –no matter the cost to her. I want to make sure Bryce understands that his mommy was a friend to everyone –no matter what they did or did not have to offer in return. And I want him to know that, his mommy was the most merciful, forgiving, grace-giving person I have ever met.

Those are the kind of things I have a responsibility to teach him.

It reminds me of a verse in the book of Hebrews. In speaking of the ceremonial law that God had established in the Old Testament, the writer explains, “They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things” (Hebrews 8:5).

In other words, the ceremonial law (priests, sacrifices, rituals) was not able to save anyone. Instead, it was a detailed portrait of Christ! The responsibility of the ceremonial law was to point people to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

When Jesus came in the flesh, he fulfilled the ceremonial law. There was no more need for priests and sacrifices to point to a messiah because the messiah had come –people could finally meet him.

People can still meet him today. As believers, we now bear the image of Christ for the purpose of pointing people to Jesus–and that’s even more important than teaching a child about his deceased mother.

So, I’m looking forward to the day when Bryce and Jill finally meet. In my mind, I imagine what it will be like the first time their eyes meet.  How wonderful it will be when he can get to his mommy for himself and won’t have to take my word for it anymore. I can’t wait to see them laugh together, dance together, talk about how much they look alike, and listen to how much they talk alike!

But even more, I can’t wait until my son meets Jesus. Like every other Christian parent, I am striving to represent Christ to my child in “speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (I Timothy 4:12). I want to be a shadow and copy of heavenly things for him in hopes that he will place saving faith in Christ alone.

Then, I look forward to the day that the three of mommy, daddy, and Bryce will spend time with Christ together in heaven. Who knows, maybe we’ll all moonwalk!