Save Your Jet Fuel

I’ve had this crazy idea since Jr. High. If you could take off in a rocket going faster than the speed of light while carrying a telescope with unlimited magnification, I think you could replay the past. Theoretically, the reflections of light from all of history are still traveling through space. Which means, if you …

Cite Your Sources!

My sophomore year in high school was a game changer. Up to that point, I had never been required to write a formal research paper. I had written plenty of essays, book reports, and other assignments, but never a real-deal research paper. I loved the idea of researching a topic, organizing my thoughts, and then …

The Relevance of Wilberforce Today

As a member of British Parliament, William Wilberforce fought to abolish the slave trade and slavery altogether. One of his frustrations was found in the fact that self-identified Christians were willing to continue and support the slave trade. In his efforts to understand why, he arrived at the conclusion that British churches had bypassed the …

What Should Christians Say to Homosexuals About Homosexuality?

This is part 2 of “How now should we talk to our gay friends?” The first part talks about the “how,” or “posture,” of Christian conversation. This part (2) will address the “what,” or “content,” of our conversation.    I need to admit is the tension I feel while writing. On the one hand, I …

When Reading the Bible Isn’t “Safe”

It is exciting to watch my son learn to read. From road signs to menus, magazine ads to library books, Bryce loves to “sound it out” and declare his new knowledge to everyone (mispronunciations and all) However, his learning progress is really keeping me on my toes. In the past, ordering at a restaurant was …

He Speaks Our Language Too

It was a missionary legend I had heard growing up. You know the kind, right? Every time you hear the story, it changes depending on who is telling it. After a while, you know it really happened, but you’re just not sure how it happened. I knew that Missionary David Dickson had been involved in …


Quick… what is the first book printed in the United States? Not the Gutenberg Bible –it was printed in Germany. But that’s close… The first book believed to be printed in the United States was printed in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1640. And yes, it was Scripture -specifically, the Psalms. It was published by the Puritan …

You Don’t Have to Sneak Up On God

The faint sound of little footsteps is followed by a pause, and then the slow opening of the door. It happens the same way every morning. I begin reading my Bible each day in the corner chair of my home office while my son is still in bed. But, without fail, before I finish reading …

How I Prepare Sermons

Recently, some of my preacher friends have participated in an online discussion of how to prepare sermons. I really enjoyed reading their insights and decided to jot down a few of my own thoughts. For those of you who are preachers, hopefully these words will be beneficial in your own preparation. I would certainly love …

When Bible Study is Difficult

When I was little, I got the word “death” and “deaf” mixed up. This was especially problematic when my Sunday school teacher would talk about the death of Christ on the cross. I couldn’t figure out why we went on and on about the Lord’s hearing loss! As silly as that sounds, there are still …