Forget You Sucker!

In the plant world, a “sucker” is vegetative growth that springs quickly from the root system. Bypassing the main trunk, suckers rob the entire plant of valuable minerals and nutrients. The worst part is that although suckers may bear leaves, they do not bear fruit. I wonder if Jesus had these suckers in mind when …

Road Trip: Cushing, TX

I have had a wonderful experience visiting the people of Landmark Baptist Church in Cushing, Texas recently. Pastor David Snelson was gracious to invite me to preach a series of revival services for their congregation. During my time at the church, I discovered some wonderful people with amazing ministries. One of the senior men spends …

Providential Breakfast

Perhaps you could call it “East Texas Hospitality.” Or, it may be better described as a case of mistaken identity. Either way, it was funny. I’ve been preaching a series of revival services in Cushing, TX while staying at a hotel in Nacogdoches, TX. This morning, I visited a small café next door to the …

Should I Bring a Charge Against My Pastor?

The office of pastor is to be respected and honored by the church. Yet, these recognized leaders of the church are still humans battling the flesh like everyone else. They are no -and cannot be expected- to be perfect. But what happens when a pastor abuses his power or treats the church in a harmful …

We’ve Already Died

Lazurus –what an amazing life –then death –then life –then death –and now life. In John 11, Jesus raised him from the dead. (This is the passage where Jesus wept). In the next chapter, John12, Jesus returned to Bethany to visit Lazurus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha six days before Passover. Naturally, large …