Do you have honey in your kitchen? Is it in a “bear shaped” bottle?

Is it just me, or when you see a bottle of honey, do you automatically assume the container is sticky?

I hate getting my hands sticky. Every time I get a new bottle of honey, I resolve that this time I will keep it stickiless. But, no matter how hard I try to keep everything clean, before I know it, the bear sticks to my hand –and napkin.

As much as I love the cute bear, I hate the sticky. So much so that I don’t want to pick up the bottle again.

I think ministry can be a lot like that sometimes. We hear heart-stirring stories of changed lives and we want a part of that. It sounds as sweet as honey.

But then, once we roll up our sleeves and invest in someone’s life; things get sticky. It’s inevitable. Why? Because ministry is one sinner reaching out to another sinner.

Sure, we are justified, and being sanctified. But it doesn’t change the fact that we are justified sinners and being sanctified from our sin. Until we are glorified in the uninterrupted presence of Christ, we will continue dealing with the issue of indwelling sin.

Which makes us, and the people we minister to, a lot like the bear full of honey –before long we are going to get into sticky (sinful) situations. That’s why ministry gets sticky.

Eventually, I forgive the little plastic bear and I buy a new bottle of honey. Why? Because honey is sweet.

May I suggest to you that the reason we press on in ministry is because the grace of Christ, poured out on undeserving sinners, is sweeter than honey!

“…with honey from the rock I would satisfy you…” Psalm 81:16