Balancing Great Commission Work

The Great Commission has at least three key points of emphasis: 1) A Discipleship emphasis (…make disciples…) 2) A Global emphasis (…of all nations…) 3) A Local Congregation emphasis (…baptizing them…) These three points of emphasis are not a checklist of tasks to be performed in order. It is not as if we are to …

I’m Happy He’s Growing Up

Over the past couple of days, I was able to spend some time alone with my son on a short “get-away” trip. As we were having a major water-gun war, I realized something: My son is growing up. Don’t get my wrong, he’s not going to college next year –he’s only four. Okay, four-and-a-half (the …

Why Didn’t Jesus Baptize?

John 4:2 shares an interesting side note stating, “Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples.” Why didn’t Jesus perform the act of baptizing himself? Certainly he wasn’t too lazy. And honestly, I don’t’ think he had a major theological reason. In fact, I believe he could have don’t he baptizing himself, but chose …

Hidden Discipleship

Here’s a phrase you’ve never read in Scripture: “And Jesus called aside the apostles saying, ‘take up your discipleship workbooks and gather for the lesson.’” There is no doubt that Jesus was a disciple-maker and there is no doubt that He taught the apostles lessons. However, there is great doubt that he ever announced His …

Uniforms Don’t Make the Player

Recently I’ve been interviewing people about their experiences (or lack thereof) with discipleship. However, I haven’t used the word “disciple” or “discipleship” in my discussions. Why? Discipleship may be the most understood word in the church today. For some it means classes, for others it means preaching. Others equate it with special programs or extracurricular …

I Kill Flowers

Early in the Spring, I decided to plant some flowers to give my yard some color. I spent an afternoon working in the flowerbeds to get everything “just right.” In the weeks and months afterward I faithfully watered my plants. Fast-forward three months: Last week, I pulled up half of the plants –they were dead …

Churches Discipling Churches

The church where I formerly pastored, Wyatt Baptist Church of El Dorado, Arkansas, is one of the most mission-minded churches I know of. Every year they send a large percentage of church members around the world in partnership with various missionaries. One of the missionary families they partner with is Oscar and Tamy Gaitan of …

Speaking of the Gospel…

Surely we’ve all heard the quote attributed to St. Francis of Assisi encouraging believers to “Preach the gospel daily, use words when necessary.” It turns out that there is no record of St. Francis ever making that statement. In fact, since Francis was a member of a preaching order, he probably would have disagreed with …

Gooder Discipleship

I overanalyze things. So, when my son told me the other day that nap time at school is “badder” than recess, I laughed –for a second. That is, until my mind raced twenty years into the future as Bryce is interviewing for a job and says, “Thank you for considering me for this position. I’ll …

Caesar’s Last Breath

In physics, there is a concept known as “Caesar’s last breath.” It refers to the theory that every breath you take contains around three molecules breathed by Julius Caesar –as well as every other human who has ever lived. Whether or not it is completely accurate (scientists disagree), the idea makes an important observation: we …