The Blind Side of the Blind Side

It’s almost football season. That means it’s time for watching football movies. One of my favorites is “The Blind Side.” But there is one problem… Maybe it’s because I’m a minister. Or maybe it is because it was glaringly obvious. Either way, Disney rewrote Scripture. Maybe you caught it too. Near the beginning of the …

Tackling in the Blink of an Eye

Seventh grade football: I played tailback and linebacker. On defense, the number one rule my coach stressed was, “Don’t close your eyes when you tackle.” Good advice. A week or two before the season started, we had a scrimmage. All the parents came out to watch. Even the local paper was there. During the game, as I …

Uniforms Don’t Make the Player

Recently I’ve been interviewing people about their experiences (or lack thereof) with discipleship. However, I haven’t used the word “disciple” or “discipleship” in my discussions. Why? Discipleship may be the most understood word in the church today. For some it means classes, for others it means preaching. Others equate it with special programs or extracurricular …