Use Good Judgement

A recent quote in my local newspaper caught my attention. A spokesman for a secular organization critiqued a Christian for speaking his convictions. That’s not the part that caught my eye. What stood out to me was the additional comments made by the organization’s spokesman, in which she said (paraphrase), “the convictions this man has …

How to Make an Effective Announcement

The morning worship service was broadcast live each week on the local radio station. So, the pastor knew he had to wrap everything up by noon. At the close of the sermon, he glanced at his watch to see that he had only one minute left, so he quickly transitioned to announcements. Imagine driving in …

“Do No Harm” to the Boston Bomber

Yesterday’s newspaper reported that one of the Boston Marathon bombers was alive and in custody at a local hospital. More specifically, the bomber is being treated at the same hospital as eleven victims of the bombing. That’s quite a powerful picture, isn’t it? Certainly the thought of a terrorist being treated alongside his victims provokes …