Your Christianese May Be Dangerous

One of the most popular phrases in Christianity is “God is telling me to…” It is also one of the most dangerous. In Jeremiah 28, a man named Hananiah proclaimed that God would free the people of Judah from Babylonian captivity within two years.  When the prophet Jeremiah heard this, he told Hananiah (paraphrasing) “I …

Behind the Scenes

In large cities, traffic is often monitored and controlled from a central office. Behind the “Authorized Personnel Only” door, controllers watch screens displaying current images and data from traffic cameras and sensors. When they notice congestion building up, they can change the traffic flow in several ways. They may alter how long certain traffic lights …

Four Popular But Inadequate Theories on God’s Will

The following is an excerpt from my book, “Navigate: Understanding & Pursuing God’s Will.” The Tight Rope Theory This teaching declares God’s will is like a tight rope where one wrong move will ruin your life and require you to start all over again -or worse, be eternally out of God’s will.  This view assumes …

No Need to Recalculate

“Recalculating.” I bet you’ve heard that phrase before. Personally, I feel like my GPS is scolding me when I hear the word, “Recalculating.” It’s as if the little device is implying, “Can’t you just turn when I say’ turn?’” Occasionally, I have caught myself talking to the GPS out loud saying something like, “Be quiet, …