Was Jesus “Cliquish?”

The question has been asked, “Won’t small groups create cliques that will divide our Church?” Great question. In Mark 3:13-19, Jesus is followed by a large crowd of people all vying for his attention. The Bible says that He healed many, before eventually pushing away from the crowd. (That’s right, even Jesus got away to …

15 Questions to Ask Before Starting Small Groups

This conversation takes place in countless homes every week: Bill: Honey, are we going to small group again tonight? Joan: I know it feels like a waste of time some weeks, but I feel like we need to stay committed. Bill: I understand what you mean, but the lack of focus week after week drives …

Keeping Small Groups Out of the Ministry Junk Yard

It was exciting news. My friend’s eyes lit up as he shared the exciting changes in the church he recently began pastoring. One of the neatest transitions the congregation had made was to begin small group meetings. Small group ministry has been around for decades now. However, it is still a relatively new concept to …