What is Obvious About Your Church?

The church is called to make disciples. I think most of us would agree on that. Further, I think we would all agree that we are called to make disciples of all nations (people groups). From this perspective, you would assume that every church would have obvious and overt practices, plans, and opportunities for all …

Churches Discipling Churches

The church where I formerly pastored, Wyatt Baptist Church of El Dorado, Arkansas, is one of the most mission-minded churches I know of. Every year they send a large percentage of church members around the world in partnership with various missionaries. One of the missionary families they partner with is Oscar and Tamy Gaitan of …

Should Small Churches Plant Churches?

Church planting is a popular topic these days. It’s easy to find examples of large churches planting networks of congregations across a geographical area. Similarly, it seems that there is an influx of church planters teaming up with sending agencies to help plant churches anywhere and everywhere. But the one thing you rarely see is …

Caesar’s Last Breath

In physics, there is a concept known as “Caesar’s last breath.” It refers to the theory that every breath you take contains around three molecules breathed by Julius Caesar –as well as every other human who has ever lived. Whether or not it is completely accurate (scientists disagree), the idea makes an important observation: we …