Ever hear a song for the millionth time and hear something new? Check out these lyrics:

Waters rose as my doubts reigned
My sand-castle faith, it slipped away
Found myself standing on your grace
It’d been there all the time

The lyrics brought to mind my spiritual journey over the past four years. In so many ways, I feel like my faith has been that sand castle. Sand castles look great -I’ve seen some magnificent creations on the beach before. The only problem is that they are weak. When the tide comes in or the rain comes down, the sand castles slip away.

But, that’s not the end of the story. I love the rest of the lyrics -“found myself standing on your grace -It’d been there all the time.”

Wow. That’s me. Anything that might look like magnificent faith on my part is actually God’s grace being revealed as my inefficiencies are swept away. Truly my faith is not isolated to my efforts, but instead my faith is built upon Christ -the Solid Rock!

If my faith were dependent upon my own works and righteousness, then I would be completely decimated. But because my faith looks to Christ, trusts in Christ, and rests in Christ, I am always secure in Christ. Praise God!