He’s not a soldier, but he fights for truth;

He’s not a police officer, but he watches out for me;

He’s not a university professor, but he teaches me;

He’s not a social worker, but he is always available to listen to me;

He’s not a professional consultant, but he provides guidance for me;

He’s not a relative, but he loves me like family;

He’s my pastor and he wears more hats than any other job in the world.

Nobody understands the pastor’s workload, stress, pressure, and demands. Every member of the church takes home their own worries, but the pastor takes home everyone’s worries. He wears their burdens and feels their pains. He laughs when they laugh, cries when they cry, and mourns when they mourn. Most of the time, nobody else sees what is going on inside of his heart. Constantly giving of one’s self can be a lonely, draining job.

October is Pastor Appreciation month. I want to publicly express my appreciation for the pastoral staff at my church: I am incredibly blessed by the ministries of Jason Aultman, Bobby Tucker, Brian Ratliff, Stephen Castleberry, Nathan Brewer, Shawn Hammontree, Travis Sellers, Luis Ortega, and Randy Anderson.  These guys go the extra mile for our congregation and never complain. They serve our church like soldiers, officers, professors, counselors, consultants, and family!

Unfortunately, in many churches, the congregation treats their pastor like an employee rather than honoring him as God’s chosen leader. But Hebrews 13:17 condemns that kind of thinking.

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy (emphasis added) and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”

Did you see that phrase, “let them do this with joy”? Can I paraphrase that? “Give your pastor a break and make his ministry to you a joy.” You are responsible for making your pastor’s job a joy! Further, it is to your advantage to have a joyful pastor! 

So here are a few ideas for blessing the man who wears so many hats for you!

  • Send him a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant.
  • Volunteer to babysit his kids.
  • Mow his yard or wash his car without asking.
  • Give him season tickets to your local High School team events.
  • Bring cookies to his home or the church office.
  • Write him a letter of encouragement.
  • Have your children draw him a picture.

There are so many ways to bless your pastor. So go ahead, make his job a joy!