Have you ever thought about how many ways becoming a pastor is like getting married? Here are a few:
1) They both typically happen in a church
2) You are never really prepared for either
3) You will always look back on both thinking, “If only I knew then…”
4) They both involve a powerful commitment between you, Christ, and another party
5) Unfortunately, the odds are poor for either to last long-term
The phrase, “I wonder how long this one will last?” is usually in reference to a marriage or new pastor. Sadly, in both cases, many people assume it won’t work out.
In marriage, the world has devised “prenuptial agreements” as an attempt to reduce risk from broken-marriage fallout.
The funny thing is that we typically overlook the original prenuptial agreement: wedding vows.
If we took more time to consider and commit to the vows we take in marriage, there’s not doubt that the divorce rate would drop dramatically.
Which leads me to my question… should pastors sign a prenuptial agreement with churches?
I’m not talking about a document that focuses on everything that may go wrong in a pastorate –but instead a commitment to everything that should go right! In other words, what would it look like if congregations took the time to ask pastors to take certain vows when assuming leadership at their church? Here are a few vows that I think should be at the top of the list:
1) I vow to care more about your spiritual advancement than my career advancement.
2) I vow to prepare for every sermon as if it were my last.
3) I vow to pray for you more than projects.
4) I vow to protect the integrity of this church and the name of Christ.
5) I vow to follow Christ with all my heart.
6) I vow to place my priorities on my family before the church.
There are so many more vows that could be included. Which ones would you add?