In physics, there is a concept known as “Caesar’s last breath.” It refers to the theory that every breath you take contains around three molecules breathed by Julius Caesar –as well as every other human who has ever lived.

Whether or not it is completely accurate (scientists disagree), the idea makes an important observation: we are all connected (and hopefully we have all brushed our teeth).

Even the shy recluse is connected to all of humanity by virtue of being alive. Connectivity does not depend upon a long contact list, large social network, or outgoing personality. It’s just a fact of life: your life is woven together with the lives of the entire human family.

The same is true spiritually. You are in some way influenced by all of human history. And, simultaneously, your influence will forever be inhaled and exhaled throughout the future.

This is fascinating, gratifying, and sobering when you consider the implications of your every action. Your influence emanates with every breath.

As Christians, we must carefully consider the influences around us. And, we must be intentional about the influence we have on others.

Most likely, you and I will not come into direct contact with people from every tribe tongue and nation this side of heaven. However, our influence (like our breath) will have a global impact for eternity.

That’s a greater legacy than Caesar could have ever dreamed of!