Good News In The Midst of Disaster

For centuries, men have debated whether or not natural disasters are caused by God or allowed by God. No matter the answer, we can all agree that natural disasters are used by God for His glory. I’d like to share an example that is taking place right now. I just received this email from a …

The Triple-Word-Score of Providence

Have you ever caught a glimpse of something God is doing? Maybe you’ve observed an experience where what once seemed to be coincidence was clearly providence. Perhaps you met your spouse in the most unlikely of places and later realized God had planned the entire event. Or maybe the kind soul who stopped when your …

Who Is Responsible For Revival?

Growing up, I remember the announcement every year in church: “Ladies, please sign up to bring food for next week’s revival services.” I loved that announcement. Why? Several reasons: Home-made fried chicken, sour dough bread, mashed potatoes, and CHOCOLATE PIE!!! Revival: The very word has different meanings for different people. For some, it means week-long …

Quit Multitasking Family

We use the term “multitasking” quite a bit. While it may be possible to do two things at once physically (walking and chewing gum at the same time), I’m not sure it is possible to do two things at once mentally (at least not voluntarily). Have you ever tried to reply to email and simultaneously …

Which Team Is God On?

How many times have you caught yourself praying when your favorite team is down by two and has the ball with three seconds left? Maybe it’s just me, but I doubt it. When we get caught up in the excitement of the moment, we tend to forget that God has children who are fans of …