What is a Catch 22?

Life is full of dilemmas. Many of them are solvable, but occasionally we encounter situations that are logically impossible to solve. For instance: Without experience it is difficult to obtain a job. And, without a job it is difficult to obtain experience. A person who needs to make a purchase will need credit. But Credit …

Gotta Serve Somebody

You are a slave to anything you can’t (or won’t) stop thinking about. By definition, the person to whom you are enslaved has power over you. Spiritually speaking, we all enter this world as slaves to sin (Romans 3:23), “following the prince of the power of the air,” Satan (Eph. 2:1). Slave masters are very …

Escaping Virtual Reality: The Deceit of Pride

I was in seventh grade. My mom and dad had taken me to the mall for an afternoon of shopping. As usual, we planned to go our separate ways and meet back at the front entrance at a particular time. As I wondered through the mall that day, I noticed a new storefront. It was …

Throw Logic Out?

Everyone seems to be outraged by gas prices these days. Most of us are paying over $3 per gallon. That equates to approximately 2 ½ cents per ounce for the final product. Of course, reflected in that price is the cost of pumping oil out of the ground, transporting it to a refinery (where it …

“Do No Harm” to the Boston Bomber

Yesterday’s newspaper reported that one of the Boston Marathon bombers was alive and in custody at a local hospital. More specifically, the bomber is being treated at the same hospital as eleven victims of the bombing. That’s quite a powerful picture, isn’t it? Certainly the thought of a terrorist being treated alongside his victims provokes …