I’m a part of a unique group of people: single parents.

We are a diverse group. Some of us are widowed, others divorced, some have never been married.

Yet, most of us feel similar pressures:

  • To compensate for the absent parent
  • To make sure our children feel “normal”
  • To provide for our children
  • To make time for our children

While those may not seem like major issues to everyone, they can feel overwhelming for most single parents.

I’m very fortunate to have my parents living close by. They care for my son while I am at work. I always know that they are just one phone call away when I’m running late or have a last-second change of plans.

But many of my single parent friends do not have that same luxury.

  • Many single parents pay to drop off their children at daycare on their way to class themselves.
  • Other single parents change jobs frequently –not to climb the corporate ladder, but to arrange their schedule to better match their child’s school schedule.
  • Most single parents wake up early and go to bed late to make time for the extra tasks that a spouse would normally cover.

These aren’t just hypotheticals; these are my friends. I applaud them, respect them, and cheer for them!

So, to my friend who lives hundreds of miles away from parents or relatives; yet supports two elementary age children, goes to school full-time, and is actively involved in her church;

And to my friends who are both raising their sons together as they work full-time jobs and “cover” for each other with carpools, house work, and cooking;

And to my friend who had to bring her daughter to work for a couple of hours one day (without the boss knowing) to make the family schedule work;

I say “praise God.” Although you rarely receive recognition, You demonstrate unselfish love and sacrifice through your hard work and commitment. We see Christ reflected when you:

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves” and when you “look not only to [your] own interests, but also to the interests of others. [Having] this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” (Philippians 2:3-7).

I am honored to call you all my friends, and your children (whether they realize it yet or not) are blessed to call you their parent!