Pancreas Problems

I have diabetes –and it stinks. In case you don’t know, diabetes is a disease that causes the pancreas to quit making insulin. Insulin is vital for processing sugar into energy. Without insulin, blood sugar levels cannot be regulated. Since I’m not a physician, I won’t pretend to explain the chain reaction that follows. Just …

The Blessed File Cabinet

The most powerful folder in my file cabinet is not the one that contains information about my bank account or tax records. Nor is it the folder containing a copy of my son’s birth certificate. It’s not even the folder containing my will. No, the most powerful folder in my file cabinet contains a loose …

The 16oz Church (Small Can Be Big!)

Remember the Pepsi Challenge? It was a marketing campaign in the 80’s where people would be offered two unmarked cups. One contained Coke and the other contained Pepsi. After taking a sip of both, the participants would be asked to reveal which one they liked the best. Apparently more people picked Pepsi. At least, that’s …

Throw Logic Out?

Everyone seems to be outraged by gas prices these days. Most of us are paying over $3 per gallon. That equates to approximately 2 ½ cents per ounce for the final product. Of course, reflected in that price is the cost of pumping oil out of the ground, transporting it to a refinery (where it …

A Lunch to Laugh About Forever

On December 20, 1999, I was eating lunch in College Station, TX with my soon-to-be bride. In the middle of a delicious meal, Jill received a phone call from her mother. Jill was very animated during their conversation. Whatever her mother said to her really made her happy. I couldn’t wait until she said, “goodbye,” …

Who Should Choose the Wedding Dress?

Jill went through great lengths to keep her dress a secret until our wedding day. I even remember how much care she took to make sure I didn’t catch a peak of her bridal portrait shoot. Apparently, things are changing. According to a recent survey, 19% (almost 1/5) of grooms say they are either solely …

Lace Up Your Church’s Shoes!

Bryce has grown out of the Velcro shoe stage. I don’t mean that he’s “too cool” for Velcro –I mean, they literally don’t make many Velcro options in his size anymore! Last Spring I bought him a pair of “lace up” sneakers. So, over the past few months I have been tying his shoes for …